The Plants vs Zombies Fanon Wiki
Zombotany Zombies

Zombotany zombies

Zombotany Zombies go here. Note

Snorkel Cattial Zombie[]

Shoots spikes at your plants in any row. Takes 15 hits to kill.

Snow Pea Zombie[]

Slows down plants by shooting snow peas. Takes 10 hits to kill.

Repeater Zombie[]

Shoots 2 peas at plants at a time. Takes 10 hits to kill.

Chomper Zombie[]

Eats 1 plant whole. Takes 15 hits to kill.

Bungee Peashooter Zombie[]

Shoots peas and steals your plants. Takes 28 hits to kill. Sometimes, it drops other zombotany zombies.

Cherry Bomb Zombie[]

Dropped by Bungee Peashooter Zombies. Explodes in a 3x3 radius. Takes 30 hits to kill.

Giga Peashooter Zombie[]

shoots 1 pea at at time. Takes 20 hits to kill.

Cabbage-Pult Zombie[]

shoots cabbages. Takes 26 hits to kill.

Puff-Shroom Zombie[]

shoots spores in a short range. Takes 5 hits to kill.

Scardy-Shroom Zombie[]

shoots spores, then hides when he sees a plant. Takes 7 hits to kill.

Ice-Shroom Zombie[]

Zombie that freezes all plants in place after death. Takes 15 Hits to kill

Three-Peater Zombie[]

Zombie that shoots peas in three lanes. Takes 80 Hits to Kill.

Sunflower Zombie[]

Gives 100 sun after death. Takes 20 Hits to kill.

Snorkel Peashooter Zombie[]

Shoots peas, and submerges. Takes 20 hits to kill.

Pea Headed Zombie[]

Eats plants, and throws peas. Takes 30 hits to kill.

Snow Pea Projectile Headed Zombie[]

Eats plants, and throws snow peas. Takes 45 Hits to kill.

Flower Pot Ladder Zombie[]

Flower and Lader zombie touphnes in all.

Dancing Sunflower Zombie[]

  • Has an afro with a sunflower head to resurect peeshooter zo,mbies backud dancer.

Kernel zombie[]

Shoots kernels and butter to plants and the butter paralises the plants. It takes 10 hits to kill.

Umbrella Leaf Zombie[]

Similar to the Parasol Zombie from PVZ 2, will block any lobbed attacks towards it or zombies near it

Electric Currant Zombie[]

When two electric currant zombies are standing in the same column, all the plants in between them will be shocked
